One day, while our parents were gone, the four of us were all goofing around in the living room doing I don't know what. I have many other side-notes, but let's get back to the main event. I would always make sure I had a boner when she came into the bathroom. Sometimes she would come into the bathroom while I was showering (we had those frosted, wavy glass sliding doors). I don't remember if she pissed me off or if I just thought it would be funny to fuck her bottle of ranch and blow my load it in. Also, I had a thing with fucking anything that I could fit my dick inside of. Side note: I witnessed my dad and his wife having sex on more than one occasion. She had two kids: a boy and a girl (let's call her Cindy) both were younger than me and my sister was between them in age. Almost ten years ago, when I was 13 or 14, my father was married to a total bitch.